We build relationships, communities, link together and offer safety to patients, their families and doctors.
GuardianAngel.NET is med-tech/eHealth startup, based in Ro.
Our first commercial solution is myInfoBand: personal medical electronic file- online, portable, shareable, managed with the mobile app myInfoBand and/or web-based version and accessible with support products with dynamic QR code.
Useful for: medical monitoring, medical file digitalization, systemic diagnosis, emergencies.
Final clients: aged, disabled peoples, chronic diseases, children, travellers, tourists (B2C).
B2B clients: medical clinics, hospitals, NGOs, health and life insurers

Descrierea soluției

MyInfoBand is a portable, shareable online medical wallet, available as an annual subscription service, that offers the ability to upload, store, and quickly access personal and medical data in case of emergency, at the doctor’s office, at the hospital, or while traveling. This service allows owners of QR code support products and account and profile holders in the myInfoBand application to benefit from a high degree of safety and comfort in unexpected medical situations, as well as in usual medical- monitoring (family doctor, attending physician, chronic diseases, disabilities, etc).
In addition to these essential functions, myInfoBand is structured as a complete ecosystem, connecting users, family doctors and emergency doctors, as well as other medical specialists such as oncologists, cardiologists, or neurologists, to ensure adequate patient medical monitoring. Also, the myInfoBand application helps digitize the personal archive of users, structuring it into orderly fields, by categories of information and conditions, to be quickly and easily accessed by medical professionals. 
By using myInfoBand across the entire potential ecosystem, it reduces the need to maintain physical/paper archives, to copy, transport personal and medical documents, the risk of medical errors in emergency situations, diagnoses based on incomplete information. Thus, we reduce the carbon footprint, contribute to improving health status, increase the level of trust in the relationship between doctors/clinics/insurers and patients/insured. Our partners thus benefit from increased conversion rates and a high degree of customer retention.

Aria geografică a clienților vizați

  • România
  • Alte state din Europa
  • Alte state din UE
  • America Centrală și de Sud
  • Regatul Unit
  • Elveția
  • Asia
  • Africa

Tipul clienților vizați

  • Instituție publică
  • ONG
  • Agent economic privat

Tipul agenților economici vizați

  • Întreprindere mare
  • Întreprindere mijlocie

Domenii unde se aplică soluția

  • Sănătate
  • Turism
  • Autorități Publice Locale
  • Sport
  • Social
  • Infrastructură digitală
  • Ecosisteme inteligente
  • Marketing și publicitate
  • Servicii
  • Data Science

Tipul soluției

Soluție Hardware și Software

Tehnologii utilizate

• Inteligență artificială • Big Data • Data Science • Sisteme Informatice (ERP, CRM etc) • Sisteme integrate

Alte competențe și/sau tehnologii necesare pentru a utiliza soluția

Users only need basic digital skills (how to scan a paper file, how to rename, sort it, how to upload a file , to fill data in online fields, login, change credentials, install a mobile app and using it).

Exemplu de succes al implementării soluției

We implemented in/with 3 NGOs already (one for 150 Ukrainian refugees and 2 for ADS/autism disorder symptom affected children.
We provided 150 refugees+300 children and their families (parents, caretakers) “family” packages.
Also we ruled a pilot with a private health insurer (100 clients/packages) and now with a private hospital (100 cardiac patients for 2 months-May and June 2023).
Also, based on these experiences, we drawn the conclusion we need to add value with a new extension/product to process uploaded/stored data and documents. This new project was awarded a grant of Euro 130,000 by Innovation Norway to be developed until April 2024.

Se oferă oportunitatea de testare gratuită a produsului/ soluției?

Perioada de testare gratuită a soluției


30 de zile

Costul estimat al soluției propuse

  • 5000 – 10.000 €
  • 10.000 – 30.000 €
  • 30.000 – 60.000 €
  • 60.000 – 100.000 €
  • Peste 100.000 €

Modul de plată

  • Abonament

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