Innovation management and digital business models training services – custom design
Skills and training
Duration: Approximately 4 months
Provision of specialized services for innovation management training and intrapreneurial skills necessary for developing new products using “design thinking methodology” – participation in the competency specialization program – “Custom Design.”
At least 3 individuals trained in innovation management and intrapreneurial skills necessary for developing new products using “design thinking methodology.”
32 hours of online service delivery conducted by Mr. Levente Denes, Associate Professor at West Virginia University, USA
24 hours of practical service delivery through design, 3D prototyping, and testing conducted at the design, prototyping, and testing laboratory for developing prototypes.
DENES Levente – Trainer
BOGDAN FLAVIU-NICOLAE – Industrial Designer
BAIAS VICTOR-DAN – Industrial Robotics Technician
TANTANA MĂDĂLINA-CLAUDIA – Business Information Expert