Innovation management and digital business model training services

Skills and training

Duration: 20 hours


Specialized services for innovation management training and the adoption of digital business models, focusing on optimizing the business model, brand management, and financial management.


The mentorship program is structured into 3 distinct modules based on the needs of the beneficiary: entrepreneurial competencies, financial management, and brand management. Topics addressed during the mentorship sessions include accessing new markets, including international markets, identifying funding sources, and finding a professional network tailored to the beneficiary’s needs.


Online and in-person sessions utilizing PowerPoint presentations, case studies, and individual exercises.


Morcan CIPRIAN – Senior consultant, accredited trainer
NICULESCU MIRABELA – Accredited trainer/formator
MAIER LUCIAN – Senior consultant
TANTANA MĂDĂLINA-CLAUDIA – Business information expert

Provided by

Skills and training

The services provided by Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub aim to address the comprehensive needs of organizations, based on the implementation of four main categories: Innovation Ecosystem and NetworkingTest before investSkills and training, as well as Support to find investment.